Junge Frau tanzt auf Dachparty / Young woman dancing at a roof party

Services for all your health needs

Information for International Professionals

Gothaer provides a wide range of sup­ple­men­tary benefits and services to its in­sured persons. Get to know our services and ben­e­fit from expert advice and valu­able partnerships between Gothaer and com­pe­tent health sector collaborators.

Your healthcare services

Einfach und schnell eine Rechnung bei der Gothaer Versicherung einreichen

Submit you medical bills in a quick and easy way!

Invoice submission

At Gothaer, you have several opt­ions for submitting an invoice. Here you can find out which con­tact op­tions you can use to sub­mit invoices quickly and easily.

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How do private health insurers pay for medical services?
The billing of services is a matter between your doctor and you. This means that the medical invoice will be issued directly to you and must be paid within the specified time period.

The private health insurance com­pa­ny will reimburse you ac­cord­ing to the plan, considering the cho­sen deductible. To receive re­im­burse­ment, you have to sub­mit your medical bills, dental bills, prescriptions and estimates.

There are four ways to do this:

1. Gothaer Health App
Once you have downloaded the Gothaer Health App and reg­is­tered for your digital account, you can submit your invoices through the app. Use the "Meine Belege" app menu item to access this feature.

  • Simply take a picture of your invoices.
  • When taking a photo, make sure the invoice is within the app's designated frame.
  • Use your finger to straighten the marked corners to correct any trapezoidal errors (Trapezfehler).
  • If there is information on the back of the document (e.g. prescription), remember to photograph the back as well.

Our tipps for you:

  • Smooth out any paper wrinkles before taking the photo.
  • Make sure you have adequate lighting when taking photos.
  • If possible, use the flash when taking photos.

For a video tutorial on how to submit invoices using the app, click here.

In the "Historie"(history) menu item, you will find an overview of the invoices that you have sub­mit­ted via app. As a pol­i­cy­hold­er, you will be able to view ad­di­tion­al information about your billed invoices, doctor visits, and treatments in your history after you activate your code*.

*The activation code mailed to you after you registered for your digital user account.

2. Online Portal "My Gothaer"
Another option for submitting invoices to Gothaer Health In­sur­ance is the online portal "My Gothaer" (Meine Gothaer). Here you can easily upload your in­voic­es via the mailbox and sub­mit them digitally.

To use the „My Gothaer” online portal, you need to have a digital user account with Gothaer

Sign up now

3. E-Mail
Alternatively, you can email your invoice to the following address: kv_leistung@gothaer.de. Please be sure to include your insurance number and the subject line "Rechnungseinreichung” (Invoice Submission).

4. Mail
You may also submit your invoices by mail. Please send them to the address below:

Gothaer Krankenversicherung AG
Kundenservice Leistung
50598 Köln

TeleClinic: Kranke Frau nutzt über ihr Smartphone die TeleClinic-App und spricht mit einem Arzt.

Online medical consultation without waiting


Do you feel too weak to leave the house? Contact the TeleClinic dig­i­tal doctor's office anytime, anywhere.More information...

TeleClinic is a medical service that allows you to get advice from doc­tors 24/7 via video, phone or chat - without long waiting times and from anywhere.

More than 100 general prac­ti­tion­ers and medical spe­cial­ist are available in Ger­many. You can also upload medical docu­ments, such as a photo of a rash, via TeleClinic to share with your doctor. According to modern standards, the data is encrypted several times.

When you contact TeleClinic, you will first speak to a TeleClinic medical assistant. They will take your request and select a suitable doctor. Please make sure you have your Gothaer Health In­sur­ance Number ready.

The use of TeleClinic is free for all insured persons of Gothaer Health Insurance. As with in-person con­sul­ta­tions, billing for services is between the doctor and you. If you have a private health insurance, the costs will be reimbursed within the limits of your plan, taking into account your chosen deductible.

Note: The TeleClinic website and registration are only available in German. The medical consultations are also available in English. You can indicate your language preference on the medical questionnaire when you request treatment.

Einkaufsnetz gefüllt mit frischem Gemüse und Obst / Shopping net filled with fresh vegetables and fruits

Your Digital Health Shopping Assistant


Would you like to know what's in your food? Do you have any food allergies or intolerances? With the HealthMe app, your personal nutrition advisor is always at your side.More information...

HealthMe is a digital shopping assistant in the form of an app that helps you find foods that are recommended for you. The digital nutrition advisor is a great every­day tool, especially for people with food allergies or intolerances.

Here is how it works:

  • Download the app for free
  • Unlock it with your Gothaer insurance number
  • Create your personal nutrition profile for you and your family
  • Scan the barcode (EAN code) of a product
  • Receive a personal evaluation instantly

Important Information

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The Deductible is the amount that you, as the insured person, have to pay yourself if you need medical treatment or medication.Our plans allow you to choose between different deductible levels. This is a way to reduce your monthly premium.

Mehr Information...

What is a deductible?
The deductible (Selbstbeteiligung) is the amount that you, as the insured person, have to pay in the event of an insurance case. The health insurance company will cover any additional costs. The amount of the deductible is specified in the plan and is contractually agreed per person and per calendar year.

How does the deductible affect the cost of my plan?
A higher deductible has a positive effect on the monthly premium, i.e. the higher the deductible, the lower the monthly premium. In addition, as an insured person, you will be reimbursed for the costs you save by not claiming benefits in the form of a premium refund, which you can use to further, reduce your own costs.

Junger Mann rechnet Rechnungen zusammen

Premium adjustment

You have chosen the best medical coverage with your private health insurance plan. All private health insurers have to respond to changing factors, such as rising health care costs. Therefore, each insurer is required to review premiums once a year.

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With your private health insurance, you have chosen the best medical care, benefiting from medical advances and rapid access to medical specialists. The German health care system is one of the best and most advanced in the world.

Good News: Fortunately, constant advances in medicine (e.g., new drugs, improved therapies) are curing diseases and improving quality of life and life expectancy.

Bad News: This costs money - a lot of money.

There are many reasons for premium adjustments
Longer life expectancy and rising healthcare costs on the one hand, and changes in interest rates and legislation on the other, are just some of the factors that we as health insurers have to respond to. This applies to all private health insurers. Every insurer is required by law to review premiums at least once a year.

What is untouchable is the level of coverage you have with us. You can rest assured that we will continue to deliver on our service promise. This is especially true in light of the fact that in the past, the public health insurance system has reduced benefits while increasing contributions. This will also be possible in the future.

How to reach us